Thursday, 12 March 2009

Secondary Research

The following data is taken from the UK Film Council Statistical Yearbook.

This table indicates that the Comedy genre had the highest number of releases and was the top grossing genre at the UK Box Office. Therefore, the comedy genre is most popular and made the most money.
Overall, comedy had 127 releases and made £206.6 million at the box office. The thriller genre, which was fifth on the list, had 28 releases and made £67.6 million at the box office. This seems like a drastic difference.
However, when you consider that comedy had 99 more releases than thriller, the difference isn’t as much as it first seemed. It could be argued, though, that this is irrelevant – There was a larger amount of comedy films made, simply because the genre is most popular. The horror genre only had 24 releases and made £28.8 million at the box office, putting it tenth in the list. Even though there was only 4 extra thriller releases, it still made an extra £38.8 million. This shows that horror would be the least effective genre to produce. The romance genre was fourteenth on the list. There was only 21 films released, and they made £15.7 million. However, we had the option to make a RomCom. Looking at our research into each of the two genres, if we made a RomCom, we would have to include more comedy elements to appeal to our target audience.

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