Thursday, 12 March 2009

Questionnaire - Results

After people had given me back their completed questionnaires, I had to analyse my results so that, along with the rest of my group, we could decide what genre we should make our film opening.
The most popular magazine among females was Heat, but OK! was also very popular. Males preferred GQ and NME. For both males and females, the most popular choice for watching films was occasionally/often on DVD. The clear favourite genre of females was Romantic Comedy. Men preferred horrors more than the other two genres, however, thriller was still quite popular. The most popular choices of Thriller films were Seven and Fight Club. This is mainly because of the twists in the films and the red herrings in the film which kept the audience interested. In a thriller film, people expect to see a city location, and dark settings. By far the most popular Horror films were Halloween and Scream. The people I asked said that they expect lots of blood and gore in a horror film. They also said that they like to see a horror take place in an isolated setting as oppose to a city location in a thriller. A twist in the story is also expected. Both males and females said that their favourite Romantic Comedy is Bridget Jones Diary. The main reason for this choice is the comedy that emerges through the story and also the characters in the film. Another popular factor in romantic comedy films were the soundtracks. All of these are things that need to be taken into consideration when making our film.

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