Thursday 12 March 2009

Initial Ideas For Our Film

After looking at all of our research combined, our group decided that the best genre for our film would be a Romantic Comedy. We chose this genre for a number of reasons, as well as our research. In the time we have to make and edit the film, and considering our resources, we felt that we could most justice to the Romantic Comedy genre.

As a group, we came up with 4 initial ideas that we could possibly use as the opening to our film...

We thought that a male main character would not follow the conventions of a romantic comedy, but still feel like one when watching it because of the characters. We decided that it would be a subtle but postivie twist on the genre. The opening of the film would be the man gettting ready to tell his family that he is gay, and their reactions to the news. His family are religious, so they obviously disagree. Even though it is a serious subject that we would be confronting, the humour emerges from the reactions of his family. We wanted the main character to be like a friend to the audience, so we would include a voiceover at the beginning, because this worked so well in Bridget Jones. The voiceover would also make the serious subject funny.

A poor girl lives on a council estate with her Mom and little brother, where she meets a well educated, rich and handsome business man - the complete opposite to her. She gets a job as an intern where he works, everyone else is really bitchy and stop them getting together. The opening would show them both getting ready for work, and the differences between them and their ways of life. We thought this idea reminded us of Ugly Betty.

An author, who writes love novels, can never seem to find love for herself. She is very eccentric, which would probably be the main source of comedy. However, as she writes one of her stories, it starts to come true and she finds herself living her own novel. The opening would be the woman at her type writer starting her story. As she types the introductions of the characters, they fade onto the screen. The opening would end with her writing about the main character, there would be a close up of her face.

A couple have been together for a while, they are happy together. We would show ths by having some black and white images of them together. However, the girl finds out that he has cheated on her, and immediately kicks him out. The first thing she does is texts her friends, who turn up at her house with the essentials - wine and chocolate. They get drunk together, and the girl starts to forget about her ex. The humour would come from the girls breaking into song at the end and dancing about with hairbrushes to a song like 'I Will Survive'.

We love all ideas, but unfortunately can only choose one.

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