Friday 3 April 2009

Audience Feedback

During one lesson last week, we had the chance to watch everyone else’s films. Each time someone film was played, 5 questionnaires were handed out to various people in the class. We had to evaluate each others coursework by filling in the questionnaires and handing them back to them. This way, we each got random opinions of our work.
The questions that had to be answered included-
1) How well did the film follow the codes and conventions of the Romantic Comedy genre?

2) From the evidence you have seen, how well planned was the coursework?

3) How much imagination did the coursework show?

4) On a scale of 1 to 5 (1 being excellent) rate –
a) Shot Composition
b) Mise-en-Scene
c) Editing
d) Sound and Music
e) Titles

5) Any other comments

Out the five people, 3 said that our production had excellent codes and conventions. The other 2 people said that they were good. I agree that we followed the codes and conventions of a romantic comedy effectively. This is because the lead couple are split up and are not together, providing the romance element. The comedy comes from the friends trying to cheer Nova up.
People thought that our film was well planned. I agree because we stuck to our action plan as much as we could. The only thing that slowed us down and affected our plan was missing a week of filming. Otherwise, everything went well.
Four of the people asked said that our film showed high imagination and creative flair. We all agreed with this because, even though our film was a typical romantic comedy, we still tried to make it unique. An example of this is when the couple are not together at the beginning of the film, which will make the film different to most. It will also make it unpredictable and intrigue the audience.
On question 4), we were mainly given one’s and two’s. When editing, we aimed to put as many different shots in as possible without taking away the simplicity of the film. We focused on making the mise-en-scene as effective as possible e.g. example the pink furniture, girly clothes, and bottles of wine. We were really proud of our editing, as we had worked really hard on making the film professional and seamless. We added dissolves in so the film would be more effective and realistic. From the beginning of the coursework, our group loved the songs that we used, so we were glad when people said that the sound and music worked well in the film. The credits of the film were also given high marks. We though that the pink and white went well with the romantic comedy genre. Also, the font of the writing was simple to go with the film.
All of the comments that people made were fair, and as a group we agree with them…
-‘Music went well’
-‘Good, creative editing’
-‘Singing and dancing in street could have made more sense’
-‘Didn’t need improving’
-‘Very good’
-‘Music suited well’
There are certain things in the film that each of us would change if we had the chance of one more editing session…
-Nova looks at camera when she finds the bra
-Bit blurry when they run down the stairs
-Singing in the street was a bit out of sync
That being said, we are all very proud of our film, and the little things that we would change don’t make the film bad.

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